Every Atom | No. 183

Karen Romano Young

Introduction to Every Atom by project curator Brian Clements

Every Atom project logo

whoever you are


Drawing of hands holding Whitman's poem


This is the blank book in which I recorded lines that touched me. I got it for my sixteenth birthday and have recorded poems therein for many years since. There's a mighty lot of Whitman. The poem that forms the hollow—or superfull, depending on how you see it—center of this comic (reproduced here in my sixteen-year-old handwriting) was the first Whitman verse I included.


Cover of The Nothing Book


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Karen Romano Young is an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, and the creator of the science comic #AntarcticLog. Her work has taken her from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to the top of an Antarctic glacier. Despite a lifelong love of poetry, she writes very little of it.


Cover art by Katie Bayne