The Great Sympathetic Cover

The Great Sympathetic: Walt Whitman and the North American Review

Edited by J. D. Schraffenberger

Cover by Sarah Pauls​​



Foreword • Martín Espada

Introduction • J. D. Schraffenberger . . . xvii


The Poetry of the Future (February 1881)

A Memorandum at a Venture (June 1882)

Slang in America (November 1885)

Robert Burns as Poet and Person (November 1886)

Some War Memoranda—Jotted down at the Time (January 1887)

Old Poets (November 1890)

Have We a National Literature? (March 1891)


Review of Leaves of Grass • Edward Everett Hale (January 1856)

Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps • Adams Sherman Hill (January 1867)

Walt Whitman • Walker Kennedy (June 1884)

The Poet of Democracy • John Burroughs (May 1892)

From The Poetry and Poets of America III • Churton Collins (March 1904)

Walt Whitman • Louise Collier Willcox (August 1906)

Mr. Bliss Perry’s “Walt Whitman,” • Louise Collier Willcox (May 1907)

Whitman in Whitman’s Land • Herman Scheffauer (February 1915)

From Manifold Nature • John Burroughs (August 1916)

The Adventures of a Poetry-Reader • Edith Franklin Wyatt (March 1919)

The Answerer: Walt Whitman • Edith Franklin Wyatt (May 1919)

Whitman and Anne Gilchrist • Edith Wyatt (September 1919)

Whitman and the Cult of Confusion • Norman Foerster  (June 1921)

Walt Whitman • John Gould Fletcher (March 1924)


From In Mexico—Work in Progress • Robert Sward (May 1967)

Gospel of the Lonely • Willis Barnstone (June 1983)

Walt Whitman in the Car Lot, Repo or Used • Gillian Conoley (June 1989)

Sestina for Stars • Ann Struthers (March-April 2001)

The Good Earth, The Good Stars • Ricardo Pau-Llosa (November-December 2001)

Slices of Life • John N. Miller (May-August 2002)

Walt Whitman Izibongo • David Rowe (March-April 2003)

Walt Whitman and Butterfly • Kelli Russell Agodon (November-December 2003)

Spider-Smear Across My Computer Screen • Ryan G. Van Cleave (September-October 2005)

Hoofer • Philip Dacey (January-February 2008)

On the New Jersey Turnpike, I Stopped to Pee at the Walt Whitman Service Center near Camden •  Harry Waitzman (Spring 2012)

Looking for Whitman • Lauren Schmidt (Winter 2014)

Barbaric Yawp Big Noise Blues • Martín Espada (Summer 2015)

How We Could Have Lived or Died This Way • Martín Espada (Summer 2015)
