In Chautauqua County, I smoked a joint with Olivia for her first time,
behind her childhood home, set back from the road.
Before, I took the last drag, I looked up
to see a fox whisper out of the neighbor’s grapes.
It was late & our small fire dimly lit the yard, giving shadows to trees. The wind
encouraged their roots to fly, milling in the sharp language of time.
The fox, clear & burning, lowered himself to the grass,
watching the stillness of a mother rabbit at the hedgerows.
Releasing my hand, Olivia stood up, as if to help her somehow,
& the fox took a step forward.
The flesh-eater’s hair bristled, a shapeshifter scrounging for mushrooms
at the end of the world, a jaw capable of breaking the rabbit’s neck in five seconds.
His incisors, glinted in the dewy dark, reflecting the fires of Troy & Carthage, teeth
that went back beyond the building of the henges, before the flood story,
echoing a procession of pouring darkness more ancient than any god.
Incisors that, once, in that blackness
drew blood from mishappen beings, lost & lumbering.
The mother rabbit sat still.
It could have been the weed, that we were way too high, but we thought we heard her say,
I’ve been wondering about you.
I glanced at my wife as she stopped laughing,
I wanted to hold her still all night, her body curling
in the early style of smoke, but something spilled over her face (was it confusion or sorrow?),
& just there, behind it, for a moment, it was if another person had arrived, or was it another fire?
The fox split in two.
One half tore down a row of grapes, followed by Olivia on the phone with animal control.
They told her all their drivers were in for the night; it was Independence Day, after all.
The other half lunged at the rabbit & one of them, I couldn’t tell which, called out my name.
Three mourning doves in a nearby tree lifted off & when I looked back, in some sort of divine trick,
everything had vanished.
Inside me, fleetingly, I saw the little misshapen fractals of evil
passed down through bloodstream, my father & his & his.
I’ve been wondering about you, I said to my joint, then to myself,
then to the clay & water that made me.
Olivia returned with a tick on her thigh. Whispering out of the grapes,
&, unapologetically, into the house.
In the morning,
the grapes fell in a white, gauzy light.
& down the street, Lake Erie let out a brilliant shine
then tightened.
Ultrasound with Bird
Father in Chiaroscuro
Fugue for the Harvest Moon Shining Over Montague