Every Atom | No. 183

Introduction to Every Atom by project curator Brian Clements

Every Atom project logo

whoever you are


Drawing of hands holding Whitman's poem


This is the blank book in which I recorded lines that touched me. I got it for my sixteenth birthday and have recorded poems therein for many years since. There's a mighty lot of Whitman. The poem that forms the hollow—or superfull, depending on how you see it—center of this comic (reproduced here in my sixteen-year-old handwriting) was the first Whitman verse I included.


Cover of The Nothing Book


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Karen Romano Young is an award-winning children’s author and illustrator, and the creator of the science comic #AntarcticLog. Her work has taken her from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to the top of an Antarctic glacier. Despite a lifelong love of poetry, she writes very little of it.


Cover art by Katie Bayne



Every Atom | Ed Folsom
Every Atom | No. 200


Every Atom | Shane McCrae
Every Atom | No. 199


Every Atom | David Lehman
Every Atom | No. 198