Every Atom | No. 92
Introduction to Every Atom by project curator Brian Clements
Be Careful Darkness
Whitman wrote.
He knew
the claws & paws
of darkness,
how they capture
light & try
to blind
our eyes to hope.
at the edges
of our being.
We ourselves are light
pushing aside
the darkness
as we move.
Standing still
lets the darkness
© Erica Mann Jong, 2019
All Rights Reserved
From Erica Jong’s new book, The World Began with Yes, Red Hen Press, April 2019.
Every Atom | Ed Folsom
Every Atom | No. 200
Every Atom | No. 200
Every Atom | Shane McCrae
Every Atom | No. 199
Every Atom | No. 199
Every Atom | David Lehman
Every Atom | No. 198
Every Atom | No. 198