“The distance between my house and the moon
and your house and the moon
will never be the same,
but still, every time you see the moon
think of me
saying I love you.
We haven’t talked in years.
Next time you look at the moon
don’t think of this sentence.
But some nights I still have dreams with dream you,
dream coffee, and dream sex
like when I hear you’re pregnant
and I dream us fifteen.
Your mom e-mails the baby pictures
titled You Could’ve Been The Dad
It’s like a drum kit falling down the stairs,
at each step our conversation
is a different distance from the moon.”
Game length: we move on
by moving outside, and then further still.
No Genre | Marianne Kunkel
Night Owls
Night Owls
No Genre | Richard Weems
A Review of Break, Blow, Burn & Make: A Writer’s Thoughts On Creation by E. Lily Yu
A Review of Break, Blow, Burn & Make: A Writer’s Thoughts On Creation by E. Lily Yu
No Genre | Emily Adams-Aucoin