Every Atom | No. 138

Introduction to Every Atom by project curator Brian Clements

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I was born from molten song—my mother was Pele,

volcano goddess; she spewed and I fell into Filene’s, where

my foster parents found me, 50% off, no refunds, no

returns—I was born in the land of ice and snow where I

slipped and fell, hill after hill; no one suggested crampons

and I was angry, but I cooled, and now my trade is

ice-cutter—ostensibly, I was born in Wisconsin but who

says I did not ride in on the back of the huge,

green-and-brown spotted turtle that masquerades as Isle

Royale, in Lake Superior—in truth, I was born in clouds

and sadness, nothing less or more, gulping milk sprayed

from the breasts of Cassiopeia— 

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Lisa Bellamy teaches at The Writers Studio. She is author of The Northway (Terrapin Books) and a chapbook, Nectar (Encircle Publications). She has received a Pushcart Prize and Special Mention and a Fugue Poetry Prize. She grew up in Wisconsin and lives in Brooklyn and the Adirondacks.


Cover art by Mike Tyer



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