Every Atom | No. 92

Introduction to Every Atom by project curator Brian Clements

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Be Careful Darkness


Whitman wrote.

He knew

the claws & paws

of darkness,

how they capture

light & try

to blind

our eyes to hope.



at the edges

of our being.

We ourselves are light

pushing aside

the darkness

as we move.


Standing still

lets the darkness



© Erica Mann Jong, 2019

All Rights Reserved

From Erica Jong’s new book, The World Began with Yes, Red Hen Press, April 2019.

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Erica Jong is a poet and author of nonfiction and fiction titles. Best known for her blockbuster books Fear of Flying and What Do Women Want?, she also is the recipient of such awards as the Sigmund Freud Award and The United Nations Award for Excellence in Literature. 


Cover art by Samantha Schmiesing



Every Atom | Ed Folsom
Every Atom | No. 200


Every Atom | Shane McCrae
Every Atom | No. 199


Every Atom | David Lehman
Every Atom | No. 198