live the questions

hyr choyce of study is gravel

hole after rain


a mirror and a mud the


result of mixing earth matter & mire.


clothynged in the tiny fragments of hyr field

–battled history, sheborne of the mud.


she kick & fling


because what myght be is joined to steepy waves & slickery slope


because what wyll is unconcerned with tender.


and yet when she sees deepe gonna

wade in.


this is her cleir fayth:


muck to touch

bottom & find it sucking


and soft

as an afternoon


bed, she wakes and for some reason,

it matters:


is the black and white

angel she sees


in the picture flying


or thrown


Headshot | Betsy Johnson


BETSY JOHNSON’s work has appeared in The Iowa Review online, Boulevard, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, and the Alaska Quarterly Review. She lives in Minnesota.



Poetry | Amy de Rouvray
Ultrasound with Bird


Poetry | Brooke Harries
Father in Chiaroscuro


Poetry | Alex Mouw
Second Trimester