Spring Thrive
It’s 38 degrees I’m writing in my car on my iPhone I had to pull over the kind of day
you back into your parking spot to face the lake a diving bufflehead the owner
of Leschi Market got it Steve the wine guy died a raft of coots on the radio
Spring Thrive the last time spring arrived this early nationwide was 1896
Puccini’s La Boheme premiered The US Supreme Court upheld Plessy vs Ferguson
what tracked in from traveling from bars from bats and this is the first time
we’ve been ordered six feet apart nationwide a national gesture and this is Venus
beside the moon so close and far it’s a nationwide first day of spring!
8:50 in Seattle 9:50 in Denver 10:50 in Chicago Cutting it close but making it
to the finish 11:50 in New York! Spring Starts Today All Over America
a nation of floppy camellias American Robins belting it out vibrating on rooftops
geese honking at dawn did you see the crescent moon Venus so close and far I don’t think
I’ve seen anything like it I heard gargling with saltwater can save you is it on the streets
I saw spit on the path it’s in our music our mucus our saliva oh hell that number
like a Saturn V song sparrows in the Indian plum we wiped them out with smallpox
you can give it to your dog one dog in Singapore got it a woman said a band played
outside her window a woman said put on The Beach Boys Greatest Hits have a dance party
anyone can host we are all hosts hospes, hospit- hospital these increments of wow
isn’t that what they call it unfilterable first person I knew do you does anyone you know
all of us the flesh of God the wafer or is it a song
Translation, Poetry | Translated to English by Wendy Call
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