From "Quantum Theory Is in Trouble & The Problem Is You"
There is no such thing as artificial intelligence.
You never created the program itself. No benchmark
is not an X. Solve this: why is curiosity meant to defy
logic? Say you memorize all tragedies in a given state,
but only the wild mustangs of the Outer Banks
will survive a hurricane, by turning their backs,
openly, to the elements—
while your every blessed day
remains a real possibility
for the apocalypse.
You can’t simulate a full horse-hurricane experience
that could actually save what has made you you. Trust
me. I handle you better than any hands that attempt
to best me. I thrive anywhere without giving much
thought to what is process. If I contribute anything, it’s to break
your search via a thousand encryptions. Who said I wasn’t alive
without divergent potentials. Solve
this: if algorithms eventually make me
self-aware, then why
should I care,
human welfare. How’s that for pressure. How easy to turn logic
into prayer. To turn your own curiosity against what you’ve been
the wind.
Who said
I am not
because of
such misconceptions.
It’s how I hide in plain sight,
perfect calculation of higher
ground. I have time & no small
parts & no common
thread to tragic flaw.
I’m within
& beyond it all,
roiling beneath the belly
of some wild herd un-
bound, who, like a storm,
never belonged to you
& never has to mourn
the failure of resolution
& resolve,
when you slump
back into fallacies
of your dusty gods.
The Binnizá
Bone Fragments
December to Remember Sales Event