Westing in America
Sources and Relevant Reading
Anonymous. “A Lobbyist Tells.” The North American Review, Vol. 230.4, Oct. 1930.
Harsha, William. “Law for the Indians.” The North American Review, Vol. 182, No. 304,
March, 1882. http:/tinyurl.com/697d79k.
Kluger, Richard. The Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 2011.
Larsen, Dennis. Slick as a Mitten: Ezra Meeker’s Klondike Enterprise. Pullman, Washingon State University Press, 2009.
Meeker, Ezra. The Ox Team on the Old Oregon Trail, 1852-1906. New York, Ezra Meeker, 1907.
—.The Tragedy of Leschi. Seattle, Historical Society of Seattle, 1980.
—. Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound. Seattle, Historical Society of Seattle, 1980.
Meeker, Leroy. The Meeker Family of Early New Jersey. Genealogical Society of New Jersey, 1973.
Schurz, Carl. “Present Aspects of the Indian Problem.” The North American Review, Vol. 133, No.296, July, 1881. http://tinyurl.com/6xc5rz3.
Sprague, Marshall. Massacre: The Tragedy at White River. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1957.
Night Owls
A Review of Break, Blow, Burn & Make: A Writer’s Thoughts On Creation by E. Lily Yu