Christina Thatcher | Becoming an Astronaut
Diane Martin | Way Back Machine
Karen Mitchell | From Surviving to Thriving: My Journey After Loss
Susan Comninos | Suddenly
Nina Bannett | On Writing "Doli Means Goodbye": Gains and Losses
John Linstrom | To My Father, on the Table, Several States Away
John Sibley Williams | Echolocation
Owen McLeod | A Sonnet On My Birthday
Theodora Ziolkowski | "I Wore my Anger Like a Shroud:" On Poetry, Art, and Shielding the Self
John Guzlowski | Transcribing Notes for Poems While Waiting for the FedEx Guy
Jason Tandon | Coyote
Rosebud Ben-Oni | From "Quantum Theory Is in Trouble & The Problem Is You"
Alice Friman | On "The Singer"
Christine Stewart-Nuñez | Witch Loves Architect
Phil Tabakow | from Nine Ways of Looking at Lincoln
Sandy Longhorn | Centerfold, ca. 2018
Michael White | The Resurgent Sonnet
Marilyn Kallet | Travelogue from the River of Lethe
Daniel Uncapher | Collecting Hubert Creekmore